Ogra Shinn Fein is the official youth wing of Sinn Fein. Organised throughout the 32 Counties, they are by far the most active youth wing of any political party on the Island. Ogra Shinn Fein is open to all those aged between 16 and 25. Ogra activities centre around education and mobilisation, all based on the demands for National Independence and Socialism and for Youth Rights within Society.
Ogra Shinn Fein Primary Issues:
National Independence and Socialism. Effective political representation for young people. Equality for all. Anti-Racism. Tackling the abuse of drugs. Promotion of the Irish Language.
How does Ogra Shinn Fein operate?
Ogra Shinn Fein cumainn are largely autonomous from the local Sinn Féin structures but they also play a vital part in Republican activities in their locality. A minumum of 5 members are needed for an Ogra cumann, the areas in which they operate can vary in size, from small villages to entire counties but nevertheless they remain an integral part of Ogra structure nationwide.
Local Groups
A present there are more than 50 Ogra groups throughout Ireland and this number is increasing all the time. The activities of the local OSF group varies from area to area and can range from discussions, debates and other educational events to mobilisations in the form of protests, rallies and direct action. In the Cork area we currently have one Ogra cumann which is based in UCC and another is currently being put together in Youghal.
Our ability to mobilise on political and Republican topics is what makes Ogra Shinn Fein is different from any other political youth wing. Young Republicans are continuously discussing and formulating policies in relation to youth issues and are also promoting them on the streets of our towns and villages.
In Cork alone we have had many pickets in support for the Justice for Diarmuid O Neill an Irish man murder by the Metropolitan Police in Hammersmith, England and denied medical attention, Rosemary Nelson a Human Rights Lawyer murdered by Loyalists/ RUC in her car when it exploded outside her home, Anti-British Warship pickets when unwelcome British Warships visit our harbour, Disbandment of the RUC, Anti-extradition, Anti-drug protests, and double the College grant protests. Ogra in Cork have also organised talks by Republican ex-prisoners as well as organising events for charitable causes.
Ogra Shinn Fein activists in each region appoint their own officer board to over see the development of the organisation. In Munster we have an excellent presence in Cork, Kerry, Waterford and Limerick while two new Ogra cumainn are being put together in North and South Tipperary. There are currently 8 Ogra cumainn in Munster. The local organiser of each area in Munster meets with the Cuige organiser once a month at a Cuige meeting which is held once a month in the Cuige office in Cork. At these Cuige meetings the strategy of Munster Ogra is formulated and plans are drawn up for its implementation.
Comhairle Naisunta (National Executive)
The Comhairle Naisiunta is where the Cuige organiser and two other elected members of the Cuige form all of the 5 Sinn Fein Cuigi (Mumhan, Laighean, Connacht/Uladh, Ath Cliath and Na Se Chontae) meet at along with the elected National Officer Board, which consists of various Officers, like Education, Mobilisation, Finance, Irish, and International as well as a National Secretary. All these officers were elected at the National Congress by a voting system.
National Congress
The National Congress, which is held annually and to which all activists are entitled to attend and vote, determines structure and organisation of Ogra Shinn Fein. It is the role of the Comhairle Naisiunta to implement the decisions of the Congress. This years National Congress will be held in January, 2006 in Dublin.
Youth Department
This is the internal Sinn Fein department, which deals with youth issues and youth recruitment. The National Development Officer and The National Youth Officer. They both sit on the Comhairle Naisiunta and they are the direct voice of Ogra to Sinn Fein. They deal with the development of Ogra at a National level and facilitate in projects, funding and National campaigns of Ogra. They also have a focus on Sinn Fein in the 3rd level Colleges and Universities of the country, with the same principles as Ogra.
If anyone viewing this page is interested in joining Ogra Shinn Fein in Cork or in Munster please feel free to E-Mail the Munster Organiser, Willie Howard at an_phoblacht@hotmail.com or contact 136 Barrack Street, Cork City

"Ar Aghaidr Chuig Neamhspleacas"
"Empowering the youth of Ireland to be critical of our national representation"