Welcome to the Home Page of Sinn Cllr. Jonathan O Brien

Jonathan O Brien, aged 34, is married with 4 children. A resident of Farranree, he has been a member of Cork City Council since 2000.
Jonathan stood for election in 1999 local election and the 2002 general election
Jonathan topped the poll at the last local elections, 2004, gaining over 17% of 1st preferences. Jonathan was elected on the 1st count, the first Sinn Fein member to do so in over 80 years in Cork. Jonathan is a member of the following committess
- Housing Committee
- Travellers Accomodation Committee
- Environment Committee
- Recreation, Amenity & Culture SPC
Jonathan is the Sinn Fein group leader and party whip on Cork City Council.
An avid Cork City football fan, Jonathan has been involved in many community groups over the years and is a former Board of Management member of his local primary school
Advice Clinic Times
Jonathan holds an advice clinic every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 11.30am to 1pm in the Sinn Fein Office, 136 Barrack Street
If you cannot make those times just give Jonathan a ring @ 086/0662877 to arrange a more suitable time