Cork Sinn Fein
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Henry Cremin Home Page

Anti Social Behaviour Document

Tony Ahern/Dermot Crowley Memorial Page

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Time for Change

A Chara,

In Sinn Fein we believe it is time for change.

Time to build an Ireland of Equals, where the wealth of the Nation is used for the benefit of all. Time to invest in the education of our children and the health of our citizens and to build the infrastructure that wiull ensure our prosperity into the 21st century. Time to build a society based on justice rather than the celebration of greed.

Time to move from a past of conflict and partition to a future of unity and peace. Time to stand up for a Europe that champions the welfare of its citizens rather than a militarised superstate dominated by its larger members.

Time to return politics to the people and out of the hands of the corrupt and selfish elite.

Too many people today feel powerless in the face of a political system seemingly indifferent to their opinions or needs. As an activist, campaigning party, Sinn Fein believes that politics should be about empowering people to become active citizens with a genuine say in the decisions that affect their lives.

We have a vision of Irelands future. We have the passion and dedication to make that vision a reality.

If you share that vision, now is the time to join Sinn Fein and play your part in building a United Ireland of Equals.

Together, we have the strength to shape our islands future.

Is mise

Gerry Adams

If you would like further information on Sinn Fein in your area just drop us an email @

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This website is dedicated to the memories of IRA Vols Dermot Crowley & Tony Ahern who gave their lives in the struggle for Irish Freedom

Freedom, Justice and Equality

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